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Duckmilk Producktions

My name is Rebecca Johnson and a friend once told me, "you can't get milk from a duck".

He was trying to reinforce the idea that you can't make someone or something be what they're not. While true, I took his words as a personal challenge for myself. Because the thing I love about shooting photography and videography is that you can create something and make it be whatever you want it to be.

I graduated from The University of Alabama in 2003 with a major in Telecommunications and Film and a B.A. in Communications. For fifteen years, I worked in television, ranging from local news (WVUA 23 and WVTM 13) to national entertainment (Turner, now Warner Media). 

In 2015, I co-founded a podcast that I co-host and edit called Supergirl Radio.

Now, I am the Communications Specialist at The University of Alabama, creating content for UA Museums (Alabama Museum of Natural History, The Gorgas House Museum, Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum, Moundville Archaeological Park, the Paul W. Bryant Museum, and the Discovering Alabama television program).

On this website, you'll find photography and videography that is shot in an effort to get milk from a duck.

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